Organisational Structure

As per the constitution, National Conference (Congress) is the supreme body of the organization. PCJSS holds the National Conference once in every after 3 years. The Conference elects the Central Committee, the highest organ of the organization. The Central Committee is accountable to the Congress for its activities.

PCJSS has its branches at District, Upazila (sub-district), Municipality, Union and Village levels. It has other wing organizations namely, Pahari Chhatra Parishad (PCP), Hill Women’s Federation, Parbatya ChattagramMohilaSamiti (CHT Women Association), Parbatya Chattagram Juba Samiti (CHT Youth Association), Girisur Shilpi Gosthi (cultural wing). The list given below depicts the names of the present Central Committee:

10th Central Committee of the PCJSS (2015-2018)

1.Jyotirindra Bodhipriya LarmaPresident
2.Ushatan TalukaderVice President
3.Pranati Bikash ChakmaGeneral Secretary
4.Gunendu Bikash ChakmaAssistant General Secretary
5.Shakti Pada TripuraOrganizing Secretary
6.K S Mong MarmaAssistant Organizing Secretary
7.Thoimraching ChowdhuryAssistant Organizing Secretary
8.Satyabir DewanPolitical Affairs Secretary
9.Mangal Kumar ChakmaInformation & Publicity Secretary
10.Sajib ChakmaAssistant Information & Publicity Secretary
11.Layal Devid BawmAssistant Information & Publicity Secretary
12.Kalpana ChakmaWoman Affairs Secretary
13.Chingla Mong ChakmaLand and Agriculture Affairs Secretary
14.Joli Mong MarmaEducation and Culture Affairs Secretary
15.Bidhayak ChakmaAssistant Youth Affairs Secretary
16.Goutam Kumar ChakmaCentral Member
17.Madhabi Lata ChakmaCentral Member
18.Sadhuram TripuraCentral Member
19.Jarita ChakmaCentral Member
20.Sathowai Prue MarmaCentral Member
21.Kyaba Mong MarmaCentral Member
22.Soukhin ChakmaCentral Member
23.Shambu Kumar TanchangyaCentral Member
24.Udayan TripuraCentral Member
25.Palash TanchangyaCentral Member
26.Aung Thowai Ching MarmaCentral Member
27.Kainthop MroCentral Member

Advisory Committee

1.Sneha Kumar Chakma
2.Dhira Kumar Chakma
3.Dr. Kaniska Chakma