Standing Order of Deputy Commissioner
Standing Orders of Deputy Commissioner
It is hereby ordered that when permission for sale of any land is sought for, the seller must obtain a certificate from the Headmen concerned stating that he has cleared all his outstanding dues of Government revenue and loans granted by Govt. or Semi Govt. organization like Co-operative Bank, Agricultural Development Bank etc.
Deputy Commissioner,
Chittagong Hill Tracts.
PKD: 1-6-65
Memo. o. 1487(380)-G., dated, 1-6-1965
Copy forwarded to the Addl. Deputy Commissioner, Chittagong Hill Tracts,
The Sub-divisional Officer, Sadar/Rngarh/Bandarban.
All Headmen—————–
O/C. Settlement and Touzi
B/C. to Deputy Commissioner
for information and guidance. No case should be recommended be unless the required certificate has been furnished by petitioner.
Deputy Commissioner,
Chittagong Hill Tracts.
Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Chittagong Hill Tracts
Dated Rangamati. the 30th April, 1955.
In supersession of my previous order on the subject, no permit for felling trees in Unclassed State Forest will be issued by any authority (including myself) without the approval of the Mouza Headman and the Chief concerned.
Sd/-L. H. Niblett,
Deputy Commissioner,
Chittagong Hill Tracts.
Memo No. 1925 (21)/G Dated Rangamati, the 3rd May, 1955.
Copy to the Chakma Chief for information and guidance.
for Deputy Commissiner,
Chittagong Hill Tracts.
Dated Rangamati, the 14th November, 1954.
I am afraid I can not concede request to Mr. Abani Rajan Dewan, asking for the return to him of Sungrass kholas, the right to which was taken away 28 years ago. The matter went up to the Commissioner and grant is approval and his plea was rejected. I cannot therefore review the mater now.
Having said so much, I find I must, however, make amends for my own mistake six and a half year ago. When I confess, I was a nominee in Chittagong Hill Tracts I completely overlooked Rule 45 of the Chittagong Hill Tracts Manual which definitely laid down that grass kholas should be settled by the Deputy Commissioner, ‘as hitherto’ and create a new another system. This took away and old standing right of Headmen, but like the in complaining people they are nothing was said about it. Today I must frankly revise from that position and admit that I was wrong.
Mr. Bala Badra Talukdar in his usual balanced manner gave me the position quite clearly, but I rejected it that position was that grass kholas were, by practice, settled with the headmen by private treaty if the headmen agreed to pay reasonable prices at which they were offered to them. If the kholas were not so accepted by the headmen, they were put to auction and in this case, if the headmen of the mouza happened to be the highest bidder, he is allowed remission of 25% (twenty-five percent) of the bid money.
I, therefore, cancel my order of 26th April, 1948, in this reference and direct that the above practice is restored.
The same will apply to Fisheries and Ponds in future and this order will be noted in the standing order book
Sd. L. H. Niblett
Deputy Commissioner, C. H. Ts.
Memo No. 898(4) C, DT. 14th November, 1954
Coll. –XXIIII-10 of 1954.
Government of East Pakistan
Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Chittagong Hill Tracts.
It has come to my notice that due to indiscriminate felling of trees and cutting of bamboo all over the unclassed state forest of this district there are hardly any timber or bamboos resources available in the Mouza for meeting domestic need f the mouza people. In the past, it was the practice to maintain a small reserve in most of the mouza under the control of the mouza headman for meeting the requirements of the mouza people for their own use. But since this practice has been given up the people are facing extreme hardship in finding these materials for construction of their houses and for meeting other domestic needs. It is, therefore, found expedient to keep certain areas in each mouza as a reserve so that the mouza people may not have any difficulty in getting these forests produces readily available from the mouza reserve according to their needs with the permission of the Headmen concerned.
It is, therefore, ordered that in each mouza there shall be maintained a mouza reserve b the Headmen/Karbaires concerned to be administered by the Mouza Headmen. No timber or other forest produce from this forest should be allowed to be felled for the purpose of sale. The area of the reserved should be approximately 100 acres per mouza whether in one block or more. It may be convenient to have a number of blocks contiguous to bigger paras whose administration may be delegated by the Headmen to the local Karbaries.
It will be the responsibility of the Headmen not only to protect these reserves from any encroachment or illegal felling but also to plant up the area with suitable spices.
All Headmen are therefore requested to select area or areas along with the boundaries and quantity of land which they propose to declare as Mouza reserve and send the same to me within one month so that necessary notification can be issued prohibiting any extraction in the area by anybody other than the Mouza people for their own use and that too and with the permission of the Headmen.
Anybody encroaching on the Mouza reserve or in any way damaging the Mouza reserve shall be severely punished and the Headmen/Karbaries would be responsible to report such instance to the S. D. Os concerned immediately.
This order is issued in pursuance of Rule 7 of the Rules for the administration of the Chittagong Hill Tracts.
Memo No. 2384 (40. dt. Rangamati.
the 3rd August, 1995.)
Copy to all Headmenn——– Chittagong Hill Tracts.
Sd/- M. S. Raham
Deputy Commissioner,
Chittagong Hill Tracts.
Government of East Pakistan
Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Chittagong Hill Tracts.
Standing order No. 1 of 1997.
With a view to avoid wastage of lad & forest produce and for systematic operation of Jum.
Cultivation: It is hereby ordered that the following principles will be followed with immediate effect by all concerned.
1. The Mouza headmen with the help of their village karbaries will earmark some particular areas in his Mouza each year for Jum cultivation and allocate land among Jumias accordingly.
2. Land for fruit plantation will be allotted as per as practicable in compact blocks.
3. The Headmen of each Mouza will earmark the Juming area and fruit plantation area seperately. The Jumias willing to take up Fruit plantation may be alloted with lands within plantation zone in his mouza.
4. To avoid haphazard and mischievous firing of jungles it has been decided that burning of Jum in each village should be done on a single day to be fixed by the village karbaries within 30th Chaitra of each year. The Headman of each Mouuza will see that Jum burning in their respective Mouzas is done within a maximum
period of seven days.
5. Special care should be taken for the control Jum fired by the Headman, Karbaries and villagers to ensure that fires do not spread beyond the demarcated area. Damages,if thereby any due to negligence or otherwise will have to be compensated by the person or persons at fault.
6. It was observed that the Jumias generally cut bigger Jum than they actually can put under crop. This causes unnecessary wastage of both in labour and Jum land. To put a stop to such damages Hradmen of each Mouza shall regulate the requisite area of Jum cultivation by the Jumias considering the financial capacity and the number of family members as well as seed paddy deposited into Jum-ghola by them.
7. Application of fertilizer in Jum cultivation should be encouraged and the headmen of Mouza inconsultation with the local agricultural staff should should persuade the Jumias to use more fertilizers for getting better yield.
Sd/ L. R. Khan, C.S.P.
Deputy Commissioner,
Chittagong Hill Tracts
Memo. No. 95(500)/G Dated Rangamati the 11th January, 1967.
Copy forwarded to the Headmen/S.D.O/Chief for information and necessary action.
For Deputy Commissioner
Chittagong Hill Tracts